Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Working Alongside

When you read this post, you will probably be at work. If so, you will have said your "hello's" to your colleagues. Colleagues fall into several categories - those we work with daily in our group, those we occassionally work with, and those who we rarely work with. We know all the strengths and weaknesses of those we spend alot of time on projects with but not so much of those who we rarely work with. They have the halo effect of perceived strengths and weaknesses. If we rarely work with someone and they are quick with a smile or wave, we probably project "positive" traits or think "nice" things of them. So without any empirical evidence, we keep those uninformed opinions. It is much harder to work with colleagues on a daily basis because we sometimes see them as obstacles or another layer to deal with on the way to finishing off our brillant project or plans. But the Bible tells us we are to love them and we have the most impact with those we are with. In fact, outside of family and preferred friends, our colleagues are the ones we can have the most Gospel impact with. You are worshipping God with the work he has called you to do even if you are contemplating something else to do.

Acts 13:2 While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them."

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