Monday, April 20, 2009

Unexpected Guest

We were about to eat dinner. The door bell rang. Hmmm, who would come by unannounced like that? Most likely a neighbor. But knowing how things work around here, I suspected it would most likely be: overly-enthusiastic religious hawkers or social service representatives. BINGO! I am batting .500 in baseball terms. I am sure you have some wonderfully effective yet gracious strategy for taking care of uninvited guests but think hard about this. Why are these people put in your daily life? No, not to inconvenience you or make you miserable. That is far too selfish. Short term interruptions or moments of meeting are rarely impactful but still, how you master and manage the "little things" and how you care for the "least of these" can reflect your overall walk in life. What would happen if Jesus came knocking at your door? Well, my guess is that he won't do so literally, but he does so daily in your hearts. Are u prepared? Do you live your life with an eye to his return at some unexpected time?

1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

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