Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Commitment to your Body

Do you see yourself as being alone? Bonhoeffer instructs us to see the community in a Gospel manner. One practice is to confess to each other. Confession is liberating and helpful. By acknowledging that we are all sinners who have fallen short and need to depend on Christ, it levels the playing field and breaks down any self-constructed walls. We need to have others help us, through God's Grace, to be more Christ-like. This means being totally vulnerable with your close friends, and to open about things in your life. No, not on Facebook or a blog. Too often, in a vacuum or left to our own devices, we delude ourselves or rationalize our fallen nature. I ____ because and I am not as bad as Bernie Madoff, Paris Hilton, people on reality shows on TV, or Joe Schmoe the hypocritcal Christian I am aware of. So, who do you open up to about how you spend your money, what you do with your dating or married life, and why you work at your job or how things are with family and why you haven't become a member at a church? Use your gifts to love one another in confession and exhortation.

I Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

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