Tuesday, June 9, 2009

As the World Turns

It is scary how fast time is flying. This summer has not begun yet and it feels like it is already fleeting. Time does fly. Things have a way of changing over time, slowly, gradually, and almost with little notice. Like the phrase, "a lobster in a warm pot of water on the stove" we don't notice how our theology "progresses'. I had an interesting conversation with someone who witnessed some moments of “girls and guys gone wild” at a relative's wedding, purportedly Christians getting married. He was shocked at the gyrations, wild behavior, drinking, machinations, and other things that took place. Well, he doesn't watch MTV or VH1 reality shows. But are we not to be salt and light? Or is a wedding or other life defining events supposed to mimic the world?

No one wakes up and says, “I don’t have Jesus in my heart anymore!” nor do they say, “I will not let the Gospel transform my heart daily”. It is progressive. It can be progressively worse – by putting off prayer until later, by putting off corporate worship to play ball, or brunch with friends ala Carrie Bradshaw or any New Yawker, or to finish some work, by not stepping up to be a leader in a fellowship group or some ministry. It takes time to become a champion for God as well as to become a nominal and lukewarm Christian. Please, I urge you, we are all flawed, busy, forgiven people who need to exercise our Faith daily. Be progressively stronger in the Word and live it out. Far better than that alternative.

Revelations 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

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