Monday, July 20, 2009

Toss aside your ashes

Are you struggling? Financially, emotionally, physically, or spiritually? I mean we all struggle but the passing of author and New York City school teacher, Frank McCourt, raise the definition of struggle. His most famous literary effort, Angela's Ashes, recalls "his Irish catholic upbringing as a miserable hard life". I did not read the book but rather I watched the movie and it was a tear jerker. I thought I had a hard life growing up as a child of working poor immigrants but it was nothing in comparison to his life. I never let myself dwell on how hard it was because, quite frankly, our lives will always be "hard" for different reasons and it is all relative. So the next time you get down about things of this world, perhaps you may read Angela's Ashes or watch it and then take a breath and consider dwelling on what is right, our standing with God through His gracious gift, of Jesus. It may not solve your present woes but it does make you wake up and move forward knowing this absolute truth.

James 5:10 Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.

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