Monday, April 6, 2009


What do you "see" when you wake up in the AM?

What is on your mind? Well, there is certainly enough on everyone's "plate". Was it some disappointing news? A close relative is out of a job or facing some personal crisis. Someone let you down? It is far too common to see people back out or trying to redfine the word commitment. How can we exist as a Christian community when we dilute the word, friend, fellowship, or covenant? How does it happen? Sometimes, a big event can cause people to stray, but mostly, it is a gradual process. They get less excited, they place higher priority on other things, and the lesson is not - I am a victim - but to work through from the beginning what our ministries ought to be and our time commitments. Sometimes, we see what cannot be done and this is because we see all that is fallen around us. May this be impressed upon you during Holy Week.

Mediate on 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thought at the EI Forum. How do my daily habits reflect what really matters?
